Grinding Halt

Yes – my apologies for the long drought between postings. Along with the usual “writer’s block” issues with which I invariably struggle, I’ve been having technical issues with my laptop. I made the tragicomic mistake of updating my Ubuntu OS with the latest release … which, of course, completely fouled up my connection to the usb external HDD on my router.

Understanding that this is most definitely a “first-world problem,” it did make working with the laptop much less helpful and convienient than it should be. I decided to rectify the situation by trying a different form of Linux on my tower and laptop. Having chosen Debian 10, I installed it on my desktop tower first. It was simple, but took a few hours to download all the relevant files … however, once I finished the installation, there was no need for a further update post-installation … samba worked like a charm … in short, a complete success.

I thought “Getting Debian to work on my laptop should be a breeze.” Well … yeah. No.

I went through much the same installation process as on the desktop … the OS seemed to install okay, but when I tried to boot, it gave me a pleasant “firmware not loaded” error. So okay … fine. I tried several different ways to download the proper files in the recovery console. No soap. So I downloaded a version of the netinstall image with the proper firmware files and tried to install again. It worked exactly as the previous attempt had … which is to say, not at all.

I hoped the third attempt would be the charm. I re-installed with the “unofficial” netinstall image, and I had another usb stick with the firmware program ready to install … so, instead of booting normally after the installation process, I went into the recovery console and installed what I hoped against hope was the proper firmware file for my system … I rebooted and (metaphorically) crossed my fingers …

At the risk of spoiling the surprise — I’m typing this very blog post on my laptop. The laptop is working better than it ever has, and the networking (samba) is trouble-free … at least, thus far.

Now that the “Technichal Dark Night Of The Soul” is over, perhaps I will be able to share more of my ramblings with you in the future (or at the very least, I’ll have no technological reasons not to). Everybody stay safe and stay healthy.

My Two Cents

This old world is a fright

You know my future ain’t bright

And I’d just crawl in a hole if I could …

“Two Cents Worth” by Kerry Livgren and Steve Walsh

In a predecessor to this blog (a few years ago), I complained of the behavior of a few over-zealous supporters of Ted Cruz taking a “My Way Or The Highway” approach regarding his then-semi-viable candidacy for President of the United States. I ended the posting with a reminder of the dangers of mixing personality cults with politics … of which history provides many cautionary tales. Sadly, but unsurprisingly, our increasingly polarized political situation has resulted in even more personality culting all along the perceived ideological spectrum.

The most obvious example is what I’ve come to call the “Drumpfenproletariat,” by which I mean the fanatical bleeding edge of the Trump movement who seem to think their man can do no wrong, and that whatever he does is, by definition, right and just. That such an individual can inspire such uncritical loyalty is impressive in a rather frightening way …

To be fair, Trump is hardly the only political figure who has engendered such a following. The apparent mirror-image of the Drumpfenproles would be the BernieBros … followers of the admittedly Socalist candidate for the nomination of the Democratic Party. The two groups share many common traits (as do their idols, but that’s a story for another day). The continuation of this already troubling trend could, and likely will, have a long-lasting effect on our republic.

I’m certainly not an expert, nor have I always been innocent of the ideological scapegoating of others, but it seems to me that a return to good old-fashioned politeness might not hurt. Additionally, one might actually consider talking to another human face-to-face once in a while … pardon me while my inner introvert shudders.

Boil it down: Basically, what your kindergarten teacher told you is true; if you treat people with a little respect and kindness, they’re more likely to respond in kind. Also, keep in mind that intelligent people of good will will occasionally come to conclusions different from yours. Rarely does this make them bad or stupid people (it might make them annoying, but that’s a different story). Given how turbulent and crappy things have been, let’s give ourselves and each other a break.

… Or maybe live out in space

Or some other far away place

And not come back to this earth till it’s good

“Two Cents Worth” (Livgren and Walsh)

Lost For Words

I’m lost for words which is strange for me
Stretched out like elastic bands
I’m lost for words and no longer see
Why they’ve slipped right through my hands

“Lost For Words” (Lyrics by Chris Difford)

I always have ambitious plans when I start a blog like this … “Oh, this time I’ll do a blog post every week (or every couple of weeks), because I will have so many interesting things to say … and every time, I write one or two posts, then go into Extended Writers’ Block Mode.

Part of the issue is, of course, that I lack confidence in my ability to write. Intellectually, I know that my writing is (by blog standards, at least) not in any way substandard … but I can’t shake the nagging feeling that I’ll be found out as an uninteresting poseur. In fairness, I’m not sure why this bothers me, given that most blogs are written by and for uninteresting poseurs (but I digress) …

I think the only way I’m going to get past this repeated “post – stew – restart” cycle is just to force myself write on a set schedule, regardless of how dreadfully trite my work appears to be (at least to me) … I think I’ll wean myself off ellipses and parentheses more slowly. Baby steps, you know. My goal is to write lengthier and more interesting articles in the Fullness Of Time; only time will tell if this is possible.

In the immortal words of J. P. Finlay – “If you’ve made it this far, I owe you a beer.” Buckle up, kids. The fun is just beginning.

I’m lost for words in the letters I write
Smudged with a bleeding pen …

“Lost For Words” (Difford)


Hey there everybody
Please don’t romp or roam
We’re a little nervous
‘Cause we’re so far from home
— “Introduction” written by Terry Kath

Introductions can be a little awkward, especially in my case.  I’m Dave, and I’ve decided to try my hand at the blogging that The Kids are all doing.  I have no idea how this is going to turn out, so the first few posts should be interesting (and I hope in a good way) … I will try to keep the screeds to a minimum, but I can make no promises.

I hesitate to call myself a “Renaissance Man,” but my interests are many and varied; I adore music, and am something of an amateur musician (I expect I may explore this subject further in subsequent posts).  I’ve been a reader since I was young, and there are few things I enjoy more than a book sale or an afternoon at the library (on the rare occasions when I have time).  I’ve been something of a follower of politics for a number of years, but given the rancor and lack of goodwill in the mainstream of political discourse, I’ve more-or-less given up talking about it.  That said, there’s no guarantee I won’t go on the odd political rant now and again.  You’ve been warned.

I have two or three ideas bouncing around in my head for my first *REAL* post (which I expect to post the first week in August, if not before).  I’m aiming for a biweekly schedule, at least at first.  Whether that’s ambitious or not, only time will tell.  WATCH THIS SPACE.

Now we put you through the changes
And turned around the mood
We hope it’s struck you different
And hope you feel moved
So forget about your troubles
As we search for something new
And we play for you
— “Introduction” (Kath)